A Dynamic Relationship with God Starts Within You. Traditional rituals have their place, but the true path to knowing God is through the divine connection already inside you. In the middle of life’s noise, God is calling out to you. He doesn’t care where you’ve been – He cares about who you can become through His transformative love.”

True engagement with God is about nurturing the direct, intimate bond with He desires to have with you. It is the ultimate “how” for drawing strength, resources, knowledge, and wisdom directly from Heaven. It is the reason Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit.  And it is how you can thrive in life as a victor instead of merely surviving as a victim. 

Are you ready for a deeper, more real, more fulfilling walk with God?

Let’s Dismantle The Lies:

You were never meant to ‘earn’ your way to Heaven. Salvation is a gift, a starting point for a genuine relationship with God. God isn’t looking for perfection; He wants a real, ongoing conversation with you, where He can reveal His love and transform you from the inside out.

Have You Been Hurt By Toxic Church Experiences?

Many have felt disconnected, judged, or burdened by religious expectations. But there’s more to God than the church has shown you. You were created for a direct, empowering relationship with Him – one that lifts you up, not ties you down in rules.

Unfortunately, traditional religious pathways often blur or even block our precious, innate connection to God. Christ’s mission was not merely your salvation, but also to restore that lost link between you and God and the Kingdom of Heaven.

Centuries of religious deviations have mistakenly prioritized behavior modification over genuine spiritual rebirth, obscuring countless numbers from the joy of the Lord in their lives and leaving them without the divine guidance in this life that is rightfully theirs.

There’s a brighter path ahead.

Step Into A Deeper Faith

Xavier LeMond

God Engagement Coach

Many, regardless of their spiritual or religious background, find themselves yearning for a deeper, more meaningful, spiritual connection. They can’t shake the feeling that there must be ‘more’ to God and the Kingdom of Heaven than they know or have been taught.

They’re right.

Let’s break free from religious limitations and talk directly with God. As your God Engagement Coach, I’ll guide you through this journey, helping you open your heart and listen to God’s voice in your life. Together, we’ll explore three transformative goals:

1. Shed Religious Limitations: Break free from false beliefs and the chains of dogma that have for too long stunted your spiritual growth and kept you from soaring.
2. Foster Direct Dialogue with God: Stop talking “AT” God and begin speaking “WITH” Him. Learn to utilize the innate, divine connection God has already given you.
3. Be Transformed By The Spirit of God: Discard the entire idea of “self-improvement” and embrace the reality of Spirit-transformation.  

Ready to Begin Your Journey? If you’re ready for a deeper, more fulfilling walk with God, let’s take the first step together. Tap below to schedule a 15-minute discovery session.



In addition to my focus on Kingdom Alignment, I am a proud God Talks™ Certified Coach.

Crafted by Ed Rush, God Talks™ offers an innovative way to strengthen your bond with the Almighty, irrespective of your religious background.

With Ed’s gracious consent, I’ve tailored the God Talks™ methodology to better cater to my client’s unique spiritual journeys. Specifically, during the second phase of our Kingdom Alignment Coaching, we’ll dive deep into this adapted framework where: 

  • You’re going to learn how to ask God questions about your life, business, or purpose.
  • You’re going to get answers from God.
  • And then you’re going to use those answers to recode, reshape, and transform your life.

Most believers I know are attempting to bring about change in their lives through self-driven efforts or by being bound to religious doctrine, rather than embracing the means and resources God readily offers.

They may appear different to others, but the problem is they haven’t changed on the inside.

My coaching, programs, and challenges are transformative and impactful through the Holy Spirit, producing results in record time. This isn’t a testament to my capabilities, but rather, a reflection of God’s plan, and the profound influence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

All of which are merely expressways to bridge the gap between your current spiritual state and becoming harmoniously in sync with God. God Talks™ is a simple process that will show you how to instantly break through any obstacle and create abundance in your life.

By the time we’re done, you’ll feel more energetic, more vibrant, and more alive. Your relationships will be better, stronger, and more meaningful.

And you’re going to reconnect in new and meaningful ways with an Old Friend.

His name is God.

Who Is This For?

If you’ve ever felt weighed down by religious expectations, burned out by church, or just sensed that something essential is missing from your spiritual life, this is for you. You might be wrestling with doubt, disillusionment, or a longing for a deeper relationship with God. If any of this resonates, then you’re in the right place. I specialize in helping you break free from religious chains to find the spiritual freedom and connection you were always meant to experience.

I work with individuals who want to align with God but haven’t been able to. Often they’ve been laboring under misperceptions of God’s will due to erroneous teachings and beliefs. My goal is to help them tune into their inherent connection to God and trust in the Spirit rather than in their own capabilities or in what another person or organization tells them.

Are you ready to discover God for yourself?

What I Offer

Personal Coaching

Embark on a transformative journey in my God Engagement & Kingdom Alignment Coaching program, tailored for those seeking a deeper, direct bond with God. Guided by insights from the Holy Spirit and rooted in Biblical wisdom, I’m committed to nurturing that direct and heartfelt communion with the Lord that He yearns for you to experience. Let’s unlock your full spiritual destiny. Click on the icon below.


For those who find strength in solitary exploration, my “Get Intimate With GodSelf-Guided Study is your compass to rapid spiritual evolution. Crafted for maximum impact in minimal time, this 21-day plan is a transformative experience in itself. Dive deep, overcome past hurdles, and set your spirit free on a path of divine connection and revelation. Click on the icon below.

Public Speaking

Seeking a speaker to elevate your next event into an unforgettable experience? Look no further. I don’t rely on one-size-fits-all speeches. Instead, each presentation is tailored under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, ensuring relevance, resonance, and enduring impact. Gift your audience an encounter that’s inspiring, resonates deeply, and leaves a lasting impression. Click on the icon below.

Are You Ready To Grow Spiritually?


“Most coaches and advisors share their wisdom. I come alongside you
to show you how to connect directly to God and receive His wisdom.”


If you’re ready to explore a deeper, more authentic relationship with God and break free from the constraints of traditional religion, let’s talk. I offer a 15-minute discovery session where we can discuss your spiritual journey, what’s been holding you back, and how I can help you experience the direct connection with God you’ve been yearning for.

Take the first step: Tap the button below, fill out the brief application form, and schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery session. Together, we’ll determine if you and I are meant to walk together on this part of your journey.


Let’s talk soon!

© Copyright 2024 - Xavier LeMond